9/30 WOD


metcon: 'short'

5 rounds
- 5 box jumps 24"
- 5 sit ups
- 5 push ups

time = 3:42

100 day push up challenge:  Day 35 (630 total)  

weight  = 257 (gym scale)

9/29 WOD


deadlift        - 4 x 1 (#135,#185,#255,#135)
hang clean  - 4 x 1 (#95,#115,#135,#155,#165)
strict press   - 4 x 3 (#95,#115,#135,#155,#165)
chin ups       - 3 x 3 (bw-#150, bw-#120, bw-#90)

metcon: 'short'

10 rounds
- 8 air squats
- 4 push ups

time = 4:09

100 day push up challenge:  Day 34 (595 total)  

weight  = 254 (gym scale)


9/28 WOD

bike: 'boardwalk'

distance = 6.75  miles (mb)
time = est. 1 hour

100 day push up challenge:  Day 32 (528 total)  
100 day push up challenge:  Day 33 (561 total)  

9/26 WOD

run - 'stroller runabout'

distance = 5.83 miles (rb plaza)

running time = 2:04:46  (alot of time walking around stores)

100 day push up challenge:  Day 30 (465 total)  
100 day push up challenge:  Day 31 (496 total) 

9/24 WOD

Run: '2hr slog'

distance = 7.65 miles (RB)

time = 2 hrs

100 day push up challenge:  Day 28 (406 total)  
100 day push up challenge:  Day 29 (435 total)   

9/22 WOD

Run: 'long interval'

distance = 3 x .5  miles (gv)

time = 4:44, 6:00, 6:00


100 day push up challenge:  Day 27 (378 total)  

9/21 WOD

Strength: 'light'

push press - 4 x 3 (#95,#135,#155,#175*)  (*failed: 2 reps)
back squat - 4 x 2 (#135,#185,#225,#225)
chin ups - 3 x 3 (bw-#150, bw-#120, bw-#90)

metcon: 'short'

4 rounds
- 150m row
- 5 push ups
- 10 air squats

time = 5:20

100 day push up challenge:  Day 26 (351 total)  

weight  = 255 (gym scale)

9/20 WOD

run - 'stroller runabout'

distance = 3.25 miles (albertsons)

running time = 58:32

100 day push up challenge:  Day 24 (300 total)  
100 day push up challenge:  Day 25 (325 total)  

9/18 WOD

run: 'sprint intervals'

10 x 10 seconds on/ 20 seconds off

distance = .45 miles

strength: 'light'

jumping pull ups      - 3 x 5
KB swings               - 3 x 5 (1.5 pood)
KB sumo deadlifts   - 3 x 5 (1.5 pood)

100 day push up challenge:  Day 23 (276 total)

9/17 WOD

run: 'tabata'

8 x 20 seconds on/ 10 seconds off

distance = .47 miles

9/15 WOD

Strength: 'light'

push press - 3 x 3 (#95,#115,#135)
overhead squat - 3 x 2 (#95,#105,#115)
deadlift  -  3 x 1 (#135)
chin ups - 3 x 1 (bw-#90, bw-#70, bw-#50)

metcon: 'short'

6 rounds
-5 push ups
-10 air squats

time = 3:11

weight  = 258 (gym scale)

9/14 WOD

Run: 'slog'

distance = 8 miles (RB)

time = 2:09:00

100 degrees out today.  i tanked on the way home about 1 mile left.  too hot....

9/13 WOD

bike: 'boardwalk'
mission beach
distance =8.5 miles
time = 1:20 minutes

9/12 WOD

Strength: 'light'

overhead squat - 3 x 3 (#95,#105,#115)
power clean - 3 x 1 (#95,#115,#135)
flat bench  -  3 x 3 (#135)

metcon: 'short'

4 rounds
-4 push ups
-5 box jumps 24"
-6 DB swings #20

time = 2:29

9/11 WOD

Run: 'big tabata'

32 rounds: 40 seconds on/ 20 seconds off

Distance = 2.6 miles (gv)

9/10 WOD

Run: 'long interval'

distance = 2x 2.37 - 4.75 total miles (spouts)

time = 1:21:55

9/7 WOD

Run: 'slog'

distance = 9 miles (RB)

time = 2:25:12

9/6 WOD

bike: 'boardwalk'

mission beach
distance = est. 5 miles

time = 45 minutes

9/5 WOD

endurance: 'run - 4 2 1 ladder'

4 min on, 3 min off
2 min on, 30 sec off
1 min on, 3 min off
2min on, 30 sec off
4 min on, done!

distance = 1.25 miles

9/4 WOD

Strength: 'light'

overhead squat - 3 x 3 (#95)
power clean - 5 x 1 (#95)
pullups - 4 x 3 (bw-#180,bw-#150,bw-#120,bw-#90)

burpees - (5,5,4,4,4,4,3,3)

9/1 WOD

Run: 'slog'

distance = 2.5 miles (vine)

time = 38:43