11/10 WOD

run - 'timed tosh' (stoller)

3 rounds of:
4 min on/ 2 min off, 3 min on/ 1:30 min off,  2 min on/ 1 min off,

distance = 2.61 miles (vv)  [10:06 pace]

i decided to half the rest times on the tosh run.

diet: 'fasting'

so i have been experimenting with intermittent fasting the last few weeks.  did a 22 hour fast yesterday.  still getting in a good amount of calories in one big meal.  most of the times i will do a late lunch & dinner.  i have been doing 2 days of fasting followed by a full day of eating.

100 day push up challenge:  Day 76 (2926 total)